All of our buildings at First Presbyterian Church of Panama City, FL were heavily damaged by Hurricane Michael. No meeting space (or office space) is currently usable, and we have formed a Rebuilding Committee that is meeting with a contractor regarding rebuilding our Church facilities.
A number of people have asked about how to contribute to the rebuilding of our Sanctuary, as well as our other buildings that were damaged by Hurricane Michael.
You can contribute to our rebuilding fund either by:
1) Sending a check to First Presbyterian Church of Panama City, and mail it to P.O. Box 1878, Panama City, FL 32402
2) You can give electronically by CLICKING HERE
(A percentage is deducted by the vendor to pay for the Electronic Giving service.)
Thank you for helping us make concrete steps, so that we can once again worship and meet on site at our First Presbyterian Church of Panama City facilities! Your love for us and your desire for the Lord to be glorified through us is such a great encouragement and help!